Hello, and welcome to my site. My name is John Hammack and yes, that is me in the picture above. Sometimes life can seem like you're stuck in the snow but if you can slow things down enough to notice the beauty it is much more manageable. I began my own personal experience with individual counseling when I was 12 years old and my parents had just gotten divorced. I only went for a short time as it was more my mothers idea than mine, but in that short experience I learned there was a neutral place to go to if I ever needed to talk through things, and that my emotions were OK regardless of what they were.
I held onto that brief experience for nearly 20 years when I decided I wanted to go into the counseling profession. I began my career working with a young autistic boy and teens in the wilderness. Since that time time I have worked in skilled nursing facilities, done extensive training in couples therapy and worked at compass health with kids.
I have also continued my own personal journey and self discovery through couples and individual counseling of my own. I know what it is like to meet a new therapist for the first time. Through my own personal experiences I can better understand what you might be feeling as you enter my office. Life is a continual journey of personal growth and understanding. I am always honored when I can assist an individual or a couple in that journey.
I know what it is like to be in emotional pain and how difficult it can be to reach out for help. I have fought the internal critic that often says, "you should be able to handle this yourself." It has been at those times in my life when I have reached out for help that I find myself truly enriched and empowered. I have found that asking for help is often the more courage's thing to do, I also know that the internal critic still wins at times and life is a journey and one of continual growth. If you feel like you could benefit from discussing what you are going through with a neutral party please give me a call. I offer a free 30 minute consultation to make sure you feel comfortable moving forward in the counseling process with me.